Following various casting announcements and teasers, SDG Productions is officially taking the curtain off of its ambitious animated project “The Uptown Chronicles”, releasing both an official trailer and the series synopsis.
Following the Hamilton family, led by scientist father Dre and guardian mother Maya, as their five children – gifted chef Tasha, bookish introvert Sienna, slacker son Ty, and adolescent prodigies Jordan and Keira – learn from their parents about their destinies as the descendants of an ancient magical order tasked with maintaining balance in the world.
When a mysterious threat in the form of a giant robot called Neocron appears, the children awaken their powers of super strength, telekinesis, speed, and technological manipulation to face this devastating foe.
Join the Hamilton’s on a quest that infuses humor, heart, and afro-futurism into an unforgettable adventure!
The 4-minute trailer offers exciting visuals rendered in 3D utilizing Unreal Engine 5, the latest graphics engine developed by Epic Games. The project will be animated by Dom Fred Films (Space Agents: The Mysterious Axe) with art design by Patrick King. The series is set to star the voice talents of Steven Goard as Andre “Dre” Hamilton, Major Attaway as Victor Hyde, Jasmine Richardson as Maya Hamilton, Maria Katre as Tasha Hamilton, Zane “Lil Zane” Copeland Jr as Ty Hamilton, Shani Hawes as Sienna Hamilton, Mina Kraynak as Keira Hamilton, Arinze as Jordan Hamilton, and Jason C. Louder as Tariq Lattimore. Goard, and Kraynak are repped by CESD Talent Agency. Richardson is repped by Heyman Talent Agency. Arinze is repped by Atlas Talent Agency. Hawes is repped by A Million Stories One Pen Productions. Louder is repped by People Store.
The Uptown Chronicles is created by Steven Goard, with Alonge Hawes as the writer for all 8 episodes of the first season. Hawes and Goard will co-direct the series and serve as showrunners. Jason C. Louder serves as producer.
The official website for the Uptown Chronicles has also launched, with the promise of further updates and behind the scenes access coming soon.
Visit to learn more.